SPHINX™ Outlasts Competitors to Deliver Superior Odor Control

Filtration Plus Ltd., the leading air filtration company serving Atlantic Canada, was receiving requests for grow house odor control solutions from multiple indoor grow house facilities seeking the right option to meet Health Canada odor regulations.

This includes a 14-acre grow facility with a production capacity of nearly 250,000 pounds per year. After trying several competing carbon-only solutions that were failing in a matter of weeks, these facilities needed a longer lasting grow house odor control product. Filtration Plus was able to offer Purafil’s SPHINX line as a solution.

Filtration Plus installed SPHINX canisters with a patented blend of engineered filtration media and noticed that not only did the odor control service life last more than four times longer, but the media also had the added benefit of mold and powdery mildew control. When grow facilities recirculate and exhaust out air carrying mildew, they can introduce contamination into the facility, pulling the same contaminated air back into the fresh air inlets. Unlike regular activated carbon, SPHINX media does not support mildew or mold growth and captures a broader range of odorous gases produced by grow facilities.

The success Filtration Plus saw with the SPHINX line made them even more comfortable providing customers with this long-lasting odor control media. They have seen so much success with the SPHINX products that they now offer them to an array of customers, including several retail dispensaries that require odor control solutions due to their location in high-traffic commercial areas. Even the consulting engineers who Filtration Plus partner with are more comfortable selecting SPHINX–so much so that it has become a standard in most specifications.

Purafil’s SPHINX line was designed specifically to address the needs of grow facilities and help licensed producers stay compliant with grow house odor regulations by completely removing 99.9% of odorous gases commonly produced by grow house facilities. It also minimizes powdery mildew and mold, making it the ultimate solution for grow facilities.

Contact the technical experts to solve your air quality needs today

Purafil products and services are intended to be used only in compliance with activities that are permitted and licensed under all applicable state and federal laws and regulations.

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